JOY=Faith, Family, and Friends

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My Sweet Husband!

Happy Birthday Sweetie!!
It seems like all we do is celebrate when this week rolls around each year. Between 3 birthdays and Valentine's Day, it is a job to make sure each person gets honored on their special day. However, we love our week long party and it started out today with Joseph! Happy Birthday Babe! Both Joseph and I love holidays, esp. birthdays so today on his I want him to know how much we truly love him. I especially love that he has crossed the 30 threshold and I still have not:) Joseph is the love of my life and that is not mushy, it is just true. I feel very fortunate to have all my dreams come true in him. He is everything I always dreamt of as a girl and more! I hope he has a wonderful day, below are some reasons why I love him!Top 5 Reasons I love you!
1-You Honor your Priesthood and Use it to bless our Family.
2-You consider your role as Father and Husband your most important job.
3-You find ways to show me you care (like surprising me with Phantom of the Opera tickets in Cali--pic above--or by doing something simple like doing the dishes!
4-Your sarcastic humor that always keeps the kids and I laughing
5-Your positive attitude towards life and the future!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Tag from Jennie!

I don't do a lot of tags, but I admit I was bored today and decided I would respond to this one that Jen tagged me with like a month ago!

8 Things about You
1. 8 TV shows I love to watch:
American Idol, Color Splash, Myles of Styles, Smallville, Bachelor, Design on a Dime, HouseHunters, Everybody loves Raymond (reruns)
2. 8 Favorite Restaurants:-My favorite restaurants that you would recognize I don't ever eat at because they don't have them in Sheridan. We did just get a Goodtime Burger here and we really like eat, I love the Chinese Buffet here in town and when we go to Billings, I love Red Robin's fresh strawberry lemonade.
3. 8 Things that happened yesterday:-Lay on the couch, lay on the bed, played beauty shop with Madi, read to the kids, listened to Tay and Emma practice the piano, played WII with Madi, watched David Osmond make it to the next round on American Idol, lay some more!
4. 8 Things I'm looking forward to:-warmer weather, upcoming ultrasound to find out what we are having, birthdays(we love Feb.), having a baby, going home to see family this summer, exercising vigorously again, going somewhere fun for our 10 year, going back to Disneyland someday(hopefully with our old California friends!)
5. 8 Things on my Wish List:-I have a lot of future dreams with Joseph and our kids but honestly the only thing on my wish list right now is to have a healthy baby and then get back to good health myself!!
6. 8 people I am tagging:I will do this one at the end of the next tag.

Hubby Tag:
WHO CAN SING BEST? I can, but he is willing to try.
WHO PAYS BILLS? I did in school, but it since then it has slowly worked towards sharing and now he does most of it.
WHO MOWS THE LAWN? He does, but I enjoy it too, so sometimes I do it during the day before he gets a chance.
WHO COOKS DINNER? prior to now I would have said me, but now he does or my friends do.
WHO'S THE FIRST TO ADMIT THEY ARE WRONG? we usually just avoid the topic until we both have cooled off and then just both forgive and forget
WHO KISSED WHO FIRST & WHERE? Joseph kissed me in my car while our roomates were standing right outside. He said it was like kissing a wall, I wasn't expecting it then, but we got much better. Practice makes perfect right?! (for the record he would say that I was looking at his lips acting like I wanted him to kiss me then!
WHO WEARS THE PANTS? In our house we tell our kids that Dad is the boss, because mom says so. I like to think we each help each other and support each other in our roles.
I tag: Jamie, Brooke, Cali, Jacey, Marcy, and any others who have the time or want to share, I would love to read them!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

January Happenings!

As I was reflecting on the fact that it is now February, I was marveling how that simple fact alone seems to raise my spirits each year. There is something about January that always makes me a little depressed. I guess it is the lull of Christmas ending and nothing but snow and cold around (at least where we live). But February comes and there are more warm days, birthdays (in our home) and it seems like my spirits just lift simply because January is done and we are on to February. I don't have any pictures to post. We really haven't had a lot going on to take pictures of, but I thought I would write what we have been up to. Taylor is in Basketball and loves it. To his Daddy's joy, he wants a basketball hoop for his birthday. I think they will both have to wait until the Springtime though. Emma is as energetic as ever and is struggling with the fact that Mom doesn't take her out as much. If only I could have half her energy. She is still involved with Dance and is excited about her upcoming recital. Madelyn is coping with my partial bed rest the best. She has become a pro at puzzles, loves to color, and also loves to play the WII with me at home. She is quite content to sit by my side and play. However, she does anxiously watch the window throughout the day awaiting the time when her playmates (Taylor and Emma) come home. Joseph is still having success at WyoVision and they are in the process of working out the details for him to buy into the practice. I guess Sheridan is going to become permanent for us. I am okay with that though, it has taken longer than other places, but I am really starting to love it here. That is impart because of the love and support I am feeling from our friends here. I am having a bit of pain and discomfort with this pregnancy due to my pelvic congestion. Because of this I have about 2-3 hours on my feet a day and the rest of the day I have to be laying down. It is as a result of this that so many friends have showered their service and love on us. Four of my friends decided they would bring in meals once a week until the baby comes and a couple times a week someone comes by and gets Madelyn so she can get out. I can't say how hard this has been for us to accept the help and yet how grateful we are for their kindness that is making this more bearable. We are finally half way through ( 20 weeks YEAH) and although the days are long, we are doing really well. I told Joseph he is going to become a culinary artist by the time the baby comes. I have to say that Joseph deserves Husband of the year award, he calls daily to check up on me, cleans the bathrooms, takes the kids on the weekend so I can rest, cooks, grocery shops, the list could go on and on. This really is as much his trial as it is mine and he is rising to the task like a pro! I am so very grateful for a wonderful husband. Well, this is an incredibly long post, but since I am not good at keeping a journal this is my recap for the past couple weeks. To all my friends that keep in touch through this with me, I hope you are all well! Love ya!