I got on the check other's blogs and was kind of surprised that I haven't posted since Christmas! WOW, how time really does fly. I can't believe March is almost over. I really don't have any good excuses other than we seem to keep so busy at our house and blogging doesn't make it on the priority list. Even as i write this i have so many other things I need to do before the kids get home in 45 min. So here is a quick recap of the past 3 months for us: January was filled with cleaning, organizing, and staying in and I loved it. We really got our house in shape, but then February rolled around and the craziness began. We celebrated for a solid week, starting with Joseph's and then Taylor and my birthday's. Joseph made sure Valentine's Day didn't go unnoticed and surprised all of us girls with chocolates and flowers from he and Tay. Shortly there after we met my family for our first ever Family Reunion. It was a blast! After that Joseph and I attended a Regency Ball with our youth in Gillette and then that takes us roughly to now which we just finished celebrating Emma's birthday. Phew!! No wonder i didn't want to write this post. So I will post a few pics and maybe more later. We are doi
ng well. The Lord continues to bless us and life is moving on at a busy, normal pace. I am grateful and love the normal, everyday routine that is our life. Here are some pics!