JOY=Faith, Family, and Friends

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Here is a chance to see if anyone actually reads my blog! I am trying to post a video of the kids dancing but it isn't working. Can anyone tell me how to put a video clip under 1 min. on my blog??

Folk Dance

Taylor was so excited when they added a folk dance afterschool class last year. I was surprised he wanted to participate, but he has loved it and Emma was able to join this year! It is so fun to watch them!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Winter is Here!

We woke up Tuesday morning to snow! I don't particularly mind the snow, it is very pretty. But I really dislike everything that seems to accompany

Sick Kids home from school
A mess of snow stuff--no matching gloves and boots that are too small.....

But like I told Emma this morning as she was complaining that she had to put on her snow pants; ( we got another 4 inches in the night and Taylor is taking his home sick today) this is where we live so we may as well get used to it. And I will be the first to admit that we had a beautiful fall with no snow falling til November so we are blessed. I can endure this winter and all that comes with it:0)!

Turning 6!

Our princess Madi turned 6 this month! She was so excited for her birthday!! We had a swimming party at the Y with friends and she got more presents than she could handle, a few days later was the real day. It was a busy one with singing class and Parent Teacher conferences that night but we still managed to make it a special day for her. We did German Pancakes for breakfast, met Daddy for lunch (he was so sweet and brought flowers to her at the restaurant), and had crepes for Dinner. This cutie pie loves breakfast food!! She is our comedian. She is always trying to crack a funny comment to make us laugh. She has done so well in Kindergarten and is loving learning to read. She also loves sports and can't wait til football season starts. (AGH! my little girl wants to play football??!) Madi, we love you so much! Thanks for being part of our family!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ball Above All!

If you know my husbands family then you know how much they love basketball! It has been fun watching this become Taylor's favorite sport as well. This year his Dad is coaching so the view for me is REALLY good for two reasons!!

Halloween Pics

Annual Trip to Pumpkin Patch!
Taylor wasn't sure he wanted to be a tin man so her agreed to be it at night with the family, but wanted to be something else for school so he chose to be a "Fat Optometrist!" He got a lot of comments and really reminded me of the years my brothers were fat referees when we were growing up!
Wizard of OZ: Thanks to Emma will did the Wizard of Oz theme this year! We spent Saturday night making decorations for our trunk at "Trunk or Treat." Lots of rain the night of kind of put a "damper" on our pictures, but we had a lot of fun!