Camping out with Grandpa was a blast, but Grandpa got a little more out of the fun than he bargained for! About midnight the sprinklers came on and sprayed the tent for about an hour. The kids slept through the whole thing. Then around 6:00am when Grandpa came in after not much sleep and being quite damp, Grandma told him he couldn't leave the kids out there alone so he changed his clothes and headed back out. What a dedicated Grandpa!!

We celebrated Mother's Day early while I was in Utah! I had the privilege of going to lunch with my Grandma, Mom, and Sisters! I was truly in the presence of God. My Grandma and Mom are women of faith, strength, kindness, and compassion. I have been lucky to be trained as a mother at their feet! Thank you for the many life lessons you have taught me!

The day after the wedding we all got to go to Boondocks and spend the day together!
We had a great time, but really there isn't anything we don't enjoy doing when we are together!

These brothers are so close! They are all professional business men, spiritual leaders, and when
they get together just big kids again!

Family moments are the best! Priceless pictures with GGma were one of the highlights of the trip. Fun with cousins was another!

Kenneth and Aimee's wedding was a real treat. Thanks to Aimee's family's connections to Elder Scott we were able to meet an Apostle for the first time. It is an experience we will all treasure!

Taylor had to have a child's root canal done at the dentist.
This is actually his next visit back and all things considered he was very brave although, he doesn't like the bee sting(shot) and we did have a very hard time getting the shot down through his sobbing!
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