"That all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good." Doctrine and Covenants 122:7
Wow! I can't believe it has been 2 months since I last posted. Well, actually I can believe it. Much has happened in our lives and the quote above has come to mean a lot to me. Most already know the details and I don't want to go into detail here, but I have been facing probably one of the hardest things I have had to go through to date. After having surgery a month ago, I had complications and ended up nearly flat in bed for almost 4 weeks. Hence the lack of posts, I didn't come downstairs where our computer was. Not being able to take care of my children and husband and having to rely VERY heavily on others has been a true trial for me, not to mention the toil it has taken on those around me. However, this experience has been for our good, probably in ways I still don't even know. But here are some of the things I have learned:
-To be truly grateful for good health
-To understand the incredible blessing of loyal family and friends
-To learn to be humble and trust in the Lord, even when things aren't
going well
-To trust that my Heavenly Father is aware of me and my family
-To be patient and let things work out in the Lord's time frame!
I am very grateful and pleased to report that I am getting my strength back and beginning to feel like myself again. I look forward to putting my life back together again, (esp. my disorganized house!)and I really look forward to spending time with my husband and children again. I have missed being a part of their lives. Tay says he wants his old mom back and Madi says she can't wait until I can run with her. I can't wait to run with her too!
THE Main Reason for this post is to thank once again the many family and friends who called, came, or offered prayers on our behalf. Most esp. thank you to Joseph's parents and to My parents and sister who without whose help we never would have gotten through the past month. We are truly blessed with amazing parents and siblings!! Also, I wanted to send an encouragement to all of you who check this who I love so much. I know you are all going through your own very difficult trials. At times they seem too much to bear and all you can do is cry. I encourage you to have a good cry, get it out, and then pick yourself up and push through. These things will be for your good as this experience has been for mine. If there is anything I can do to help, please call. I have learned that we are each others angels, and a big, big thanks to those of you who have been my own PERSONAL ANGELS this past month!