Thank you all for your comments and concern. We brought Olivia home Saturday night. The doctor wanted to keep her until Sunday or Monday, but her vein collapsed during her Vaco dose around noon on Saturday and they didn't want to have to start another IV if they didn't have to so they decided to let us bring her home and see what happened. After putting a warm compress on the sore and a nap, she awoke and we found puss oozing out, finally!! This is a very good thing. As she kept pulling her legs up playing, more puss kept coming out. Probably a teaspoonful was released and ever since she has been improving. Yesterday the doctor said it looks much better. She was so glad to come home and be able to roll around again! We are so grateful for this answer to prayers and glad she is okay and home!
Yay! So glad she is home and doing better! What a blessing!
She looks so adorable! I am so grateful she is home and doing well.
Oh, what wonderful news! I'm so glad that she is doing so much better.
Our Olivia had to have antibiotics just after birth for 10 days because of an infection I had in my uterus. It was so hard to watch them put in IV after IV--their veins are just so little! I'm glad that your sweet little girl was able to come home, and that she is doing so well. Yeah for no more IV's!
I hope that you, too, are doing well. You must be exhausted after all of this. How is your recovery going? Have you healed completely from your surgery? I hope that all is well. I miss you, my friend.
I am so glad she is home and doing better. I was just thinking of you today. I really hope you guys get to enjoy a bit of down time!
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