JOY=Faith, Family, and Friends

Saturday, January 24, 2009

My Hero!

One of my favorite songs is called "She's Somebody's Hero" by Jamie O'Neal. My all time hero is not legendary, well-known, famous or any of the other things most people might think of when they hear the term hero. My hero would deny that she is really that important at all to the world, but as the song says, she is the one who "brought Snow White to life, has been a waiter, a cook, a taxi driver, and her life's ambition has been to make her children's lives better." As you have guessed, my hero is my mother!! I know it is cliche, but I mean it most sincerely. There is NO ONE (sorry Dad you come in a close second!) that has impacted my life as much as my mother has. Her sacrifice has not gone unnoticed, I am the person I am today largely because of the example, love, and support of an amazing mother! Still to this day she is the first person I call to share good, bad, or just plain funny news! Tomorrow is her birthday so in the most public forum I have I want to tell her I love her. I want her to know that all those sleepless nights, meals cooked, and miles driven are appreciated. Even more than all of that, I thank her for still caring. When she could easily have counted me as raised and off the list of worries, she still find ways to take care of me and I thank her for it. My mom may not be famous or important to very many in the world, but She is my HERO!!
Happy Birthday Mom!!
I love you!


Frehner Family said...

Amy- What a great post. She must be a wonderful woman.

LeMira said...

I love your mom, too. I've never forgotten the time when she and your dad came to visit me in the hospital when I had Jackson. I know they couldn't stay long, but I've never forgotten their kindness. You're great, Susan!

Landon and Julie said...


Jamie said...

That is a sweet post to your mom. Mom's are great! We sure couldn't live without them. I know she is a good person because you are and that's where you learn it from! I hope you are doing okay. I think about you all the time and wonder how your day is going. Keep it easy!!!!

Lori said...

Amy, What a nice tribute to your mom. She is a wonderful lady, and example and strength to me as well. I hope that things are going ok for you and your pregnancy. Take care of yourself and your cute family.
Love you, Aunt Lori

Bryan and Susan said...

I LOVE YOU MOST. Now remember that when you say I come in a close second, that it's OK, because a close second behind someone as special as my sweetheart, your MOM. isn't such a bad thing at all. Thanks for the tears, you know how much I like to cry (at least I'm in front of the computer and nobody is watching). I hope you are managing. Talk soon

Joseph and Amy Katschke said...

Thanks Dad, However I think we both know that I LOVE YOU MORE!! We are managing quite well, thanks for the post! Have fun at the open house!
Love ya!

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

Well said. Its always nice to read an ode to Mom. I too look @ my Mom as my hero and miss her dearly.