Emma said the cutest thing the other night. We were talking about the Holy Ghost and feelings it gives us.
Emma says: "When we feel the Holy Ghost we get chicken pox all over our arms and lots of prinklies and it makes us cry."
We all got a good laugh from that one, I think she was referring to goose bumps.
JOY=Faith, Family, and Friends
Friday, April 24, 2009
Madelyn has been having bad dreams the past couple months. At first she would come up to us, but after a little while I started to notice that after I put Madelyn in her bed, she would climb in bed with Emma.
Emma has been such a good sport about this. Madi has to be close enough to Emma that they touch and many times she is wrapped in Emma's arms. Emma has told us many times the next morning that Madelyn had a bad dream in the night, but Emma hugged her and then she was okay. I am so glad that these two are so close and that Emma is so sweet to her little sister!

Saturday, April 18, 2009
Getting out of Sheridan!

Having not left Sheridan since the beginning of November, I was really wanting a change of scenery. Traveling is not particularly easy for me right now, but we decided to just go to Billings for Spring Break and have a little mini family vacation. It

Scientific or Disgusting?!

While visiting our friends and seeing the Owls living up in their tree, Taylor was fascinated to find some interesting things in the Owl pellets. I must say I was grossed out by the whole thing and not so thrilled when my friend provided him with a baggie to take home his treasures in. Treasures like, mouse bones and skulls and such. However, disgusting it was for me, Taylor and his friend thought it was great. Their own little science project of an Owl's digestive system!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Wyoming Spring Weather
Since moving to Wyoming, I have really enjoyed having the four seasons again. However, I never miss California more than in the spring time. By March I have had enough snow and am ready for 60 degree days. Sunny spring days here bring so much excitement as we are surrounded by friends who have baby animals being born and new growth coming from the plants, trees, flowers.

However, as I said, I never miss California more than in the spring because just when I think spring has sprung, we wake up to...
YEP! You guessed it, the morning after we went to see the baby calf, we woke up to a few inches of snow. To make matters more fun, it was the first day of our Spring Break, some spring break I know. The kids were as sick of snow as I was so it made for a long week of being indoors since it stayed cold all week. This was only the beginning, the next Monday when the kids were supposed to head back to school, (yeah for Mom) it snowed again; dumping over a foot of snow on us this time. (I didn't get a picture of this though) So school was canceled and the Mayor of Sheridan declared it a snow emergency and the town shut down for the day. The kids didn't return to school until Tuesday afternoon. AUGH! I don't mind April Showers, but when they come in the form of 12 inches of snow I am sorely upset! So here is to a hope for Spring and a return to 60-70 degree days.

Emma's Birthday!
Happy Sixth Birthday Emma!!
Party at Burger King!

This year we let the kids choose one thing they wanted to do and they were only supposed to get to invite a couple friends. Emma's list ended up with a few more than a couple by the time we combined church and school friends. She chose a party at Burger King. I must say I recommend this. We had the whole play place reserved for our group. The did the cleaning before and after and it was quite relaxing for me. Joseph was a little annoyed with the amount of food the kids wasted from their Kid's Meals, but that is young children for you! She had a great birthday!

Although Emma had begged for an I-pod and this was her main present from us, she was most excited about the Easy Bake Oven she received. She also enjoyed getting mail for a week as many family and friends sent letters, cards, money, and gifts. Thank you all so much for always remembering the kids!!
Party at Burger King!

This year we let the kids choose one thing they wanted to do and they were only supposed to get to invite a couple friends. Emma's list ended up with a few more than a couple by the time we combined church and school friends. She chose a party at Burger King. I must say I recommend this. We had the whole play place reserved for our group. The did the cleaning before and after and it was quite relaxing for me. Joseph was a little annoyed with the amount of food the kids wasted from their Kid's Meals, but that is young children for you! She had a great birthday!

We had a family party the night of Emma's birthday. I made a small cake for that night because her big cake would be the next day at her friend party. She requested fish sticks and homemade rolls for dinner. Odd choice?!

class! We also stayed and had lunch with her!

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