Having not left Sheridan since the beginning of November, I was really wanting a change of scenery. Traveling is not particularly easy for me right now, but we decided to just go to Billings for Spring Break and have a little mini family vacation. It

What a perfect little getaway. I had to smile at the shopping store list. Target, Costco, the mall. It is crazy the things we miss! I am with you!!!
I love to read your blog. It makes me feel like I don't miss as much with you and the kids. They are growning up so much. I would like to see a picture of you standing up. You need one for the future. The girls will want to know how big you got when they have their first kids. I love you all and miss you tons.
Love mom
Good for you guys! I bet you did need a get away. These long winters are tough aren't they?
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