Olivia Lynae was born at 12:22pm on June 5, 2009
She weighed 7 lbs. 4 1/2 ounces and was 19 1/2 inches long

The delivery went great with no complications. About a half hour after the delivery however, complications started for me. I began bleeding a lot and after about 3 hours of intense pain and a lot of bleeding they called in my doctors. They did an emergency D & C and found that I had two additional placenta lobes attached to the uterus causing the problems. Shortly after the D & C I began to feel better and my blood pressure began to go back up. Olivia and I both came home from the hospital on Saturday, but I lost 2 units and blood and will be staying close to my bed for a month to recover. It scared Joseph and I quite a bit, but we feel very blessed and witnessed the hand of the Lord guiding and blessing us many times that day and the days after.

We want to thank all our family for their prayers of support this past week. Esp. Joseph's parents who were willing and ready to come if needed, and my parents for taking the kids back. The doctors were willing to release me only after they heard I would have a couple weeks to heal, so my dad and mom headed to Utah on Thursday with the kids! We already miss them so much, but are so thankful they are happy and I have this time to rest and gain my strength back!! Thanks Dad, Mom, Ashley, Carly, and anyone else who will assist in caring for my children over the next couple weeks. I wouldn't be able to get through this time without you!
Yay! Congratulations! She is beautiful. I'm sorry to hear of your complications but am glad that you are OK now. Get lots of rest. Wish we were closer to help.
Congrats Amy!
What a scary couple of hours for you. I'm so thankful you're recovering and hopefully taking it easy. If your family needs me please tell them to call me! I would love to help out!
I'll call you in a few weeks once you've had time to recover a bit! Take care, love ya!
We are so happy for you. I want you to know that when my mom called me to tell me about everything that was happening, I sobbed. We prayed very hard for you because we know those scary feelings. I'm so grateful for the power of prayer and that you are recovering.
I hope that you (Or Joe) will tell your mom that she can call me. I only live 5-10 minutes from her house, and I know we'd love to see the kids!
Congratulations! What a little miracle, in more ways than one. You have had such a long ordeal and then to have even more, my heart goes out to you. I wish we lived closer so I could bring you dinner and help you with everything. Know that you are loved.
Congratulations on the new baby! I'm so glad that you are ok. That would be so scary. I hope you get a lot of rest.
Oh how wonderful to get her safely here! I'm so glad that you were well taken care of--that would so frightening. I'm glad that your family is able to keep your other children so that you can recover and have more energy for when they return. You are amazing, congratulations!
I am so sorry you have had those complications! I am glad Olivia is healthy and I wish you the best as you recover. You really give your all bringing your little ones into the world. I am so glad the Lord watched over you and I too, wish we were closer to help. I will have to let Tessa know that Emma has a new baby sister. She will be so excited. Remember to mind your doctor's orders!
That must have been scary, esp. since when you get to #4 you figure everything will go as it did with the previous ones & there is less worry - this must have been so unexpected. Glad to hear you got the family support & all is well. Congrats on being a new Mom again!
Only so I know you'll get this message am I commenting again -- I did put up some pictures of the kids from yesterday's fun! Thanks for asking me to watch them; we always have a blast together!
Congrats on your new Olivia! I hope you're healing quickly and enjoying your little bundle :)
Congratulations! I am glad that everything is ok now. It is wonderful that your family is able to help, so you can concentrate on recovering!
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