What do you do for Halloween? I really enjoy holidays, but this one is down on my list, we always have a good time though and come home with way more candy than we could or should rather eat. The person who loved this weekend the most at our house??? OLIVIA!! She is our current sugar junkie. She will stand at the cupboard and beg for "treats". As soon as she figured out the wearing her pumpkin costume and saying treat, got her a lot of "treats" she was set! And to be honest who could resist her. Hope you all had a great weekend too!
Our Weekend started on Friday with school parties and a trunk or treat and carnival at the school that night.

Saturday morning I went with Brooke to run a race that was done scavenger hunt style. It was a lot of fun, we were a team and won for the teams which was cool. Can you tell what we are?

When I got home from the race, the kids were helping Dad get the yard ready for winter. My kids LOVE to play in the leaves. Also, Madi had learned to climb the tree and do and trick and was very anxious to share it with me.

Saturday afternoon we had a few friends over for Jack-O-Lantern Pizzas and then headed to the ward Carnival and Trunk-or-treat. (one of the reasons this holiday is frustrating for me is I feel I am dressing my kids up a ton of times to go and fight crowds and listen to candy high, screaming children. ok, I know I sound like a scrooge, sorry, but I won't be too sad when the 3 day in a row trunk or treating is over!!) Anyways, the ward carnival had bobbying for apples which both Emma and Taylor tried. Taylor was told if he went to the very bottom of the container he would get the apple. Well he was the only kid to try it that night and although he did not get the apple, he did get soaking wet! Madelyn didn't want to get wet, she said it would mess up her hair, but she had fun having a doughnut eating race.

Joseph and I were Vampires. I dressed up more than I have in years, it was a lot of fun!!