Livvy is so much fun and also totally exhausting!! I don't know if she is my busiest baby or if I just have forgotten, but this little girl is so smart and into everything! She knows how to throw tantrums with the best of them. The other night we told her it was time for bed, and she didn't want to go so she proceeded into a tantrum. She started to through herself onto the ground, but some toys were in the way so she stopped screaming long enough to move over and then through herself back and began to scream again. She can say just about anything and loves to say the pray at meal time. I have found her this week in the toilet, the dish soap, and putting dirty dishes from the dishwasher back in the drawer. She loves to "Help." I grabbed the camera for her latest adventure, I was putting on my make-up and she was fussing because she wanted some. So, I handed her my base bottle to hold, I didn't think she could unscrew the lid. Boy was I wrong, in the 30 sec. I turned away, she not only opened it but dumped it all over herself. Our little baby is growing up, terrible 2's here we come!

I am so happy to see all of your posts. We really miss seeing everything that happens. Thanks for keeping us updated. We love you all.
Ahhhh. But, she's so cute!
Thanks for your Christmas card, by the way. We loved hearing from you. Nate saw the card, grabbed it and said, "The Katschke's!" We were happy to hear more about all that you've been up to. I'm glad that everything is going so well, and congrats to Joe on getting ownership of your practice--that's really exciting! (Will he be hiring:) ) Merry (late) Christmas, my friend.
She sounds so much like my Sarah!
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