JOY=Faith, Family, and Friends

Monday, December 17, 2007

What a cutie pie!

Emma tried to
swing like Tay
but had a more
difficult time.
She sure looked cute trying.

Taylor loves to swing
on the rope at Dave
and Cindy Riddle's!
Katschke family picture out at the Riddle's house(some friends of ours).
We went and took family pictures this week. It is always a gamble with three small children, but they did great. I am really bad about posting things on this blog, but a little update. The past few months have flown by. Taylor is reading now and brings home books from school each day as homework. Emma had a Christmas concert this past week with her little singing group and did great. Madi is giving me a run for my money. Either I forgot how many tantrums the other two children threw at her age or else she really is the most stubborn of the three. She is very sweet though too. She loves to see pictures of Santa and is going to be asking for a baby doll and a bottle, however don't ask her to go anywhere near a Santa in a mall. Then she cries, "Santa get me, Santa get me." Maybe next year!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Finally Official!!

For those of you who have been offering many prayers on our behalf we wanted to announce that we received Joseph's Wyoming License this week in the mail. After many months and much stress with the board here in Wyoming we are so thankful and relieved to finally be able to practice here. Joseph has immediately jumped into to seeing his own patients now and really likes the office at WyoVision. We want to say thank you to all of you who fasted and prayed with us. We truly had our testimonies grow as we went through this and we are so grateful that we are staying here in Sheridan!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Graduation was a bitter sweet time! We loved being back in
California with all our friends and it was hard to say good-bye!
Since Graduation we have moved to Sheridan, WY. We bought
a house here and really like the people here. I have been put
in the Primary Presidency and Joseph is in the Elder's Quorum
Presidency. We are truly in "the mission field" as they say.
As many of you know, we are having a hard time obtaining a
Wyoming license for Joseph so there is a chance we will be
moving soon, but we hope to stay as we have made a lot of friends here! Taylor loves kindergarten and Emma is thrilled to
be in 4-year old school as she calls it. Madi is starting to go potty on the big toilet. I am not ready to train her but she thinks it is time so ready or not! This is an update from the past few months of our lives! We are happy and healthy! Life has definitely presented some challenges the past few months, but we are growing and the Lord truly is watching over us!