JOY=Faith, Family, and Friends

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Update on Dad!

So, after many doctors we now have all the info about Dad's cancer. It is rectal cancer with a tumor about 7 cm. It is amazing to me how something so small can cause so much trouble!! The great news is that it hasn't spread and it is treatable!! The not so great news is that cancer treatments are hard and the next 8 months are going to be a roller coaster for my parents. It is so hard to have to watch the ones you love go through very hard things and not be able to do much to ease the burden.

However, true to their nature, they are taking it in stride and are determined to laugh and be positive through the pain. Everytime I talk to Dad or Mom they are commenting on the tender mercies in their day. They are inquiring about us kids and are worried about how we are doing. They inspire me so much and I am grateful for their example. Dad started chemo and radiation Monday and although he says he still feels ok, the doctors said the worst is coming. As he begins his battle, Mom has taken on another job and is working 12-16 hour days this week. My heart aches for them, keep them in your prayers! I pray the Lord will strengthen them as they face this, I know he will, without him I know they wouldn't be staying as positive as they are!!

TOO Smart to be 2!!

Livvy continues to amaze me with how smart she is. I guess that is what happens when you are the youngest and always trying to be bigger. She has been sick this week and has been very funny in some of the things she has said.

Tuesday morning: "Mommy, my ear hurts, I need some medicine." I give her some Tylenol and after 5 min. she says, "It didn't work, it still hurts, I need some more." I told her that maybe we need to go to the doctor then and she said, "No, it is all better now!"

It isn't all better though and although we did go to the doctor and she did not have an ear infection, she has continued to complain about it and started running a fever last night. It has been a long 2 days with a lot of crying. Tonight I asked her, "why are you crying?" "I don't know she said!"

Don't we all feel that way sometimes, we don't know why, but we just want to cry!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Romans 8:17

There has been so much on my mind lately regarding things of a spiritual nature. I have felt very much like I have enrolled in a Spiritual Doctorate Program. Who enrolled me? I am not really sure, and as I am sure is true of some Doctorate Programs, I am not completely sure I like the methods being used to teach me. But I cannot deny that they are working and I am growing so much spiritually. Trials has been the main method of teaching and the driving force to my knees, but it has been soooo worth it. I am thankful for a loving Heavenly Father who knows that as we face trials with faith we will grow closer to him than we ever knew possible.

The most recent trial that has come to me is unfortunately only a secondary trial. The primary recipients of this trial are my parents. My dad was diagnosed with Cancer this past week. I have a hard time voicing those words, My dad has cancer. There has been many tears, much prayer and fasting, and also much faith. I was thinking this morning how I am so grateful that I know my Savior Jesus Christ and I trust him. So now I just have to rely on that trust. But how do I lend support to 2 of the people who have done more for me than anyone else in life? How do I help them through this! We read the following scripture in Gospel Doctrine today.
It really hit me as it talks about how we are Children of God and are meant to suffer together and then be glorified together also. This is exactly why families are soooo important. We share in each others sorrows and rejoice in our triumphs. What an amazing gift a family is. How grateful I am for many family members uniting their faith in fasting this day as we send our love to Dad and Mom as they begin this very difficult battle. We love and support you Dad and Mom. Thank you for teaching us that as a family we can get through anything!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Cheaper Than Counseling!!

I have a friend who says that Date night is "Cheaper than Counseling." I guess this is my plug for taking the time to have date night! I look forward to dates with Joseph probably more now than I did before we were married. I love spending time together and am always ready for a break from the norm at home. We went on a hike and had a picnic in the Mts. and it was wonderful. It has been a long couple months at our home and so I just want to give a public thank you to my amazingly patient and loving husband. He helps, comforts, listens and all without complaint. One of these days I am going to get back to doing the dishes more than you do!!
Very Slow posting first day of school pictures! The kids are all loving their first month of school. Madelyn started Kindergarten and LOVES it, she is by far my most ready child. We kept asking her if she as nervous and she said, "no, just really excited!" After 3 days of walking her to school she asked me to stop because she wanted to walk with Taylor and Emma and then a week later I told her that I was going to volunteer in her class and she said, "Mom, that is embarrassing!!" I think I will focus on how well adjusted my child seems to be rather than feel bad that at 5 she already thinks I am embarrassing! I am going to start helping in her class this week anyway though, isn't embarrassing our kids part of our job as parents??

Just taking after my Uncles!!

This one is for my mom, as I turned the corner to the kitchen I was met with Liv's hand in the flour. Oddly she likes to eat it. It took me back to a picture we looked at many times growing up of James and Jeff playing in the flour when they were Livvy's age! I grabbed the camera and smiled, before I began the clean up. That is one thing my mom taught me, enjoy the moment and laugh first, cry or clean later!!