JOY=Faith, Family, and Friends

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Back from Florida!!

We returned from our family trip to Florida last night and this morning I am so tired! I guess that is the sign that we had a great time, right!! So, before I dive into laundry and all that goes into settling back into life, I thought I would check out what you all have been up to while I have been gone.

We did have a wonderful trip and pics will come soon, but until then, the lesson learned yesterday is this...
If you are going to forget your camera at the house, make sure that your driver's license isn't in the camera bag. It makes it a little hard to board an airplane without it!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Liv is ONE!!

Last Week of School!

I arrived home Sunday night so I could be here to spend the last week of school with the kids. Emma esp. was missing her fellow girls in the family! I loved the last week of school as a child and still do as an adult. Although I failed to charge my camera so I don't have pictures to show the moments, here is a list of what we did to celebrate!

-Playday at School: Filled with bounce houses, relay races, and dunk tank.
-Last Day Pizza Lunch
-End of School Party: with water balloons, Popsicle, and red rover
-Trip to library for summer reading material and 1st trip to outdoor swimming
pool(even Olivia loved it!)
-Date night for Joseph and I to celebrate our 10 year anniversary (can you believe
it has been 10 years!)
-Ended the week with Olivia's one year birthday (more about it in next post!)


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Leaving a Legacy

I made a spontaneous trip to Utah this past week. It was unexpected and emotional, and I am so very glad I had the ability to go. My Grandpa Smith fell and had emergency surgery last Monday morning! I don't care how old a person is, when things change it is always hard. After reading a beautiful blog post by my sister-in-law, I began to ponder the word "Legacy." What legacies have been left for me? Am I living up to them? What legacy will I leave for my children and grandchildren? My grandpa has left the most remarkable legacy for me and our family. I don't know two better people than my grandparents. They are the best examples of service, love, gratitude, compassion, and righteousness. I was able to share a few brief moments with Grandpa before I came home that I will never forget. I hope to live true to the legacy he left and leave a similar legacy for my future posterity! What a remarkable gift the relationships we have in this life are!!

I also got to be a part of wedding dress shopping with my sister while I was there! It was so much fun! I am so happy for her. She has chosen a wonderful man to marry and I know they will be very happy! Ash, thanks for sharing the fun with me!! You looked beautiful!!! The circle of life!

In other news, School let out today. We had an end of school party that I forgot to take my camera to, but we had a lot of fun.
YEAH SUMMER!! We are so excited to have you here!!