JOY=Faith, Family, and Friends

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday!

I wanted to girls to have new dresses for Easter, but due to Sheridan's lack of shopping I was in distress so Grandma came to the rescue and went shopping for us! Thank you so much! The clothes fit perfect and the kids looked so cute for Easter!!
We hope you all have a very happy EASTER!!!

Easter EGG Hunt!

We moved our Easter egg hunt inside
to the church due to the snow! The kids still had a fun time and we had an enjoyable Easter lunch with our ward family and friends!!

Easter Morning!!

What a fun Morning!! They each got on little toy, some candy, and flip flops!! Unfortunately we woke up to an inch or more of snow! Inspite of this we still had a great day!

Dying Easter Eggs

We had a lot of fun dying easter eggs! The kids were at the perfect ages for this and both Tay and Emma kept commenting on how fun this was!!

Joseph playing ball!!

I rarely put things about Joseph or I on our blog so I thought it might be fun to brag for a minute about my husband. He has been a little disappointed about the enthusiasm for basketball here in Wyoming. The men here are fishers and hunters but not as many ball players. Anyway, it was our Stake Basketball tournament this past Saturday and Joe was excited for a chance to play. The tournament ended up being more of amateur pick up ball (only 9 guys total showed up) but it was still fun for him to get to play and us to get to watch! Above are a couple of pics showing that even at 30 he's still got it!! Taylor was thrilled to watch his Dad play ball and told Grandpa that he had gone to a big basketball tournament!!

Emma's Birthday Party

We had a small party at the house for Emma the afternoon of her birthday. She had a great time! We invited a few friends from preschool and primary. She really is growing up so fast and I had one of those days where you wonder where the time has gone. (the boy on Emma's right is named Kyler and is all the Emma talks about. ) She promises she doesn't have a crush on him because we told her she is too young, but everything we hear about revolves around this boy lately! My 5-year-old is going on 15. Luckily all the other girls her age also have similar "crushes" on boys so hopefully this is a phase we will outgrow!
Oh, I forgot to add that Kyler's mom said that he too says that he wants to marry Emma! Aren't boys supposed to think girls have cooties at this age?!!

Emma's Birthday Morning!

Emma found her bike a week early in the garage. You would think we would be better at hiding things by now, but I guess not. She was very cute about it though and promised she would try to forget about it before her birthday. Even still, she was very excited about it and despite the rain and cold we went out riding that morning!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Emma and Madi Dancing

Emma and Madelyn love to dance. They can be quite funny when they get going. We take a little class called Sunshine Singers and the girls are a hoot, esp. Madi who tries to do everything the big kids are doing!

Taylor and his New Best Friend!

Tay got this lion for his birthday. It was meant to be a reading cushion,
but the lion has gone with him all around the house. The kids ride him
and Taylor sleeps with him. I usually think stuffed animals are a waste
because they are rarely used and just take up space, but this was worth
every penny!!

Taylor's Birthday!

Taylor turned 6 last month! He had a fun birthday with more than 15 friends over. We decided we definitely need to refine the list for next year! He had a great time. We had a jungle party. Taylor's new found love is jungle animals, esp. Lions! Yesterday we had to search the information section for lion books. I must admit they are a bit boring to me, but he loves them! He is really progressing in his reading. He even helps read the Book of Mormon in the morning, he reads the easier words and we help with the more difficult!