JOY=Faith, Family, and Friends

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Belated Halloween Pics

Emma went back to school Friday the 29th after having hand, foot, mouth disease and an ear infection, and Olivia ran a fever on Friday and again on Sunday night, but luckily, Saturday everyone was healthy and we had an enjoyable Halloween together. We all went to the ward trunk or treat and carnival and then Joseph took the kids trick or treating door to door. 3 kids times both activities gave us way more candy than we could want. Taylor was a grave digger, Emma was Miss America, Madi was a fairy ballerina, and Olivia was a cute cheetah! Joseph and I had fun with the photo shoot option at the carnival!!

Fall Sports

Emma chose to do sports and singing this year, instead of dance. Nothing against dance, but Joseph and I were happy about this decision. She really enjoyed being on the team. Of course she is more concerned with who is watching and how she looks than the actual plays of the game, however, she had fun and I think will play basketball this winter!

Taylor really loved playing football this year. Joseph helped coach which was another fun thing for Tay. It was all quite new being the first year that he played, but he had a great time.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

She's Home!

Thank you all for your comments and concern. We brought Olivia home Saturday night. The doctor wanted to keep her until Sunday or Monday, but her vein collapsed during her Vaco dose around noon on Saturday and they didn't want to have to start another IV if they didn't have to so they decided to let us bring her home and see what happened. After putting a warm compress on the sore and a nap, she awoke and we found puss oozing out, finally!! This is a very good thing. As she kept pulling her legs up playing, more puss kept coming out. Probably a teaspoonful was released and ever since she has been improving. Yesterday the doctor said it looks much better. She was so glad to come home and be able to roll around again! We are so grateful for this answer to prayers and glad she is okay and home!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Pictures of Olivia's Stay

I will have to back track for Halloween, fall sports, and Madi's birthday, but this is our focus this week. First an update: Yesterday morning didn't show any improvement with Olivia's abscess so here it is Friday and we are still at the hospital. She is doing very well though and all we are waiting on is the antibiotic to do its job and get rid of the abscess. This morning, it looked much better, but that is all the doctors will say. Hopefully we can bring her home tomorrow! Here are some pics of her stay!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Update on Olivia!

Thanks for all the prayers and support. I really appreciate your comments, it gives us strength. Olivia looked much better today and started acting like her happy self again. The redness is going down and is now confined to a small area now. The doctor said we may be able to take her home tomorrow or if not then probably Friday! I have some pics from her stay, but I having trouble uploading them to my computer. I guess they will have to come later because I am heading to bed!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

In Need of Your Prayers!

Dear Friends and Family,
Although I do not have all of your e-mail addresses, I know many of you check our blog. We put Olivia in the hospital yesterday afternoon after her having a small blemish that become infected and grew. She has been running a high fever and now is in the hospital with cellulitis which in my non-medical understanding is an infection in her cell tissue. She is improving today after having been put on 3 antibiotics through her IV. We have faith that she will make a full recovery with time, but would love your prayers on her behalf! We love you all and hope all is well with your lives!
Joseph and Amy

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Experiences for our Good

"That all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good." Doctrine and Covenants 122:7

Wow! I can't believe it has been 2 months since I last posted. Well, actually I can believe it. Much has happened in our lives and the quote above has come to mean a lot to me. Most already know the details and I don't want to go into detail here, but I have been facing probably one of the hardest things I have had to go through to date. After having surgery a month ago, I had complications and ended up nearly flat in bed for almost 4 weeks. Hence the lack of posts, I didn't come downstairs where our computer was. Not being able to take care of my children and husband and having to rely VERY heavily on others has been a true trial for me, not to mention the toil it has taken on those around me. However, this experience has been for our good, probably in ways I still don't even know. But here are some of the things I have learned:
-To be truly grateful for good health
-To understand the incredible blessing of loyal family and friends
-To learn to be humble and trust in the Lord, even when things aren't
going well
-To trust that my Heavenly Father is aware of me and my family
-To be patient and let things work out in the Lord's time frame!
I am very grateful and pleased to report that I am getting my strength back and beginning to feel like myself again. I look forward to putting my life back together again, (esp. my disorganized house!)and I really look forward to spending time with my husband and children again. I have missed being a part of their lives. Tay says he wants his old mom back and Madi says she can't wait until I can run with her. I can't wait to run with her too!

THE Main Reason for this post is to thank once again the many family and friends who called, came, or offered prayers on our behalf. Most esp. thank you to Joseph's parents and to My parents and sister who without whose help we never would have gotten through the past month. We are truly blessed with amazing parents and siblings!! Also, I wanted to send an encouragement to all of you who check this who I love so much. I know you are all going through your own very difficult trials. At times they seem too much to bear and all you can do is cry. I encourage you to have a good cry, get it out, and then pick yourself up and push through. These things will be for your good as this experience has been for mine. If there is anything I can do to help, please call. I have learned that we are each others angels, and a big, big thanks to those of you who have been my own PERSONAL ANGELS this past month!

Following a Prophet's Counsel

How pleased I was when my children came home from church one Sunday and were insistent that we go to the temple. They told us that their primary teachers had told them that President Monson had asked all the children to go to the temple and touch it and have their picture taken there. They were so excited the day we headed off to heed the counsel and it was really a special moment to see the joy following the prophet brought them. After touching the temple, Joseph headed in to do a session and I took them in to the little waiting area for a few minutes. We discussed what it means to go to the temple and why they needed to wait until they were older. I hope this experience made an impact on them, it sure did on me. I am continually taught by my children's simple obedience.

Beautiful Baby!

Backyard Campout!

The kids were begging to go camping, but with me still recovering and the new baby it just didn't work out this year so we did a backyard campout. It started pouring rain right as we were going to set the tent up so we ate our tin foil dinners inside. But then the rain stopped and we were able to roast marshmallows and get the tent up before the rain started again. Joseph slept inside with the baby and I spent the night in the tent with the kids. We all stayed dry and it was a lot of fun!!

Girls Haircuts!

It took a lot of convincing, but after seeing a picture of Selena Gomez' hair cut, Emma finally decided that she could cut hers too. It has been such a blessing. We have not had one fight over hair this year. Madi also loves her hair cut too!

First Day of School

Friday, August 14, 2009

Family Reunion!

What could be better than a fun filled four days with family? Honestly, four days on the beach in Hawaii would probably be better, but this was a close second. We had a great time visiting family and the kids couldn't get enough of their cousins. It makes me so happy to see how close they all are because that is how I was with my cousins growing up. A big thanks to Joseph's brother and his wife. She has become the older sister I didn't have and we really appreciate them opening their house to us. We had a great time!!

Jackson Hole!

I really didn't want to got with Joseph to CE this year. Madi was sick, Olivia was still so little and I wasn't feeling well. 2 days in a hotel with the 5 of us while Dad was at class didn't sound appealing. And although it wasn't nearly as fun as last year, we still had a good time. We were esp. glad to get to see one close couple from School and meet their new baby.

Besides swimming and shopping and the alpine slide which we did last year, they had added the jumping trampolines. The kids loved them and I couldn't believe how brave Madi was. It was great to see our little 30 pound girl flying up in the air with a huge smile on her face!
Chuck Wagon Dinner as a family

Madelyn doing the trampoline

Taylor and Emma both in different cables!

Olivia's Blessing!!

I know I am very slow in posting this, but I really want to give a big thank you to the family members that traveled for Olivia's big day. Esp. grateful to my grandparents who made the trip out. It was very special to have her dad, grandpa, great grandpa, and uncles in the circle. Mom, thank you for all your hard work on her blessing dress. It is beautiful and something her and I will treasure always.
Joseph's sister and her family made the trip to represent his side and we really enjoyed having them. And to our siblings who endured awful circumstances on the drive back, thanks for making the trip out, sorry the trip back was so miserable!

A Few of Olivia!

Olivia has become one of the family now. She is smiling and it is quite humorous what we will all do to earn one of those smiles. As I was uploading I realized I haven't taken any of her smiling so I will have to post them soon.

She is such a doll and is already sleeping from 10pm-6am at night. She enjoyed the trip to see family, but hated the car rides. She started to get so she would cry when we put her in her car seat. Below are a few pics from the past couple months. One on her blessing day, one with Grandma Katschke at the reuion, and one swimming in Joseph's brother's pool. I let her knowing it is clean and only has had family in it, she loved it and stayed in for about 20 min.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Catching Up!

I thought I would take some time to catch up on the past month's activities in our home. There are a number of posts, some kind of long. I guess I have missed blogging!

Missing My Kids!

I am so grateful for the time I have had the past 2 weeks to recover and am also so grateful for all the amazing help we have received. However, I am still really missing my kids! I think it is true that you don't know what you have until it is gone. I struggle with being a patient mom and there are so many nights I am burned out and frustrated, but the past two weeks have reminded me all that my kids bring to my life.

Taylor is our solid rock. He is calm and mellow and quick to obey. He is a thinker and asks questions that help stretch me and his father. He is already very good about regular scripture study and prayer which is an example to me. The past 6 months he has been the one to walk with me when I am lagging behind and offer a hug. I tell him that since he is my only boy is is supposed to take care of his mother, and he truly does.

Emma is my the excitement and laughter in my life. She is genuine and is always offering to help in the kitchen and such. She gets excited about the little things and makes it so easy to have fun with. She loves to giggle and it reminds me of when I was her age. She is also so sweet to Madelyn and is constantly helping get her dressed or snuggling her at night.

Madelyn is my ray of sunshine. She and I have been buddies these past 6 months. We have spent a lot of time playing on the ground, watching movies, doing puzzles, and coloring together. She has been so easy to entertain and I have enjoyed our one on one time together. She is my most cuddly child and it has been hard on her to have mom not able to hold her as much because of my big belly and pain. I look forward to have her back and be able to cuddle with her again!

Only 4 more days until they come home! I can't wait! In a week when I am getting frustrated again and impatient, I will come and read this and remind myself how lucky I am to be these children's mother!!

Excellent Fan!!

Madelyn was such a good sport this week. Emma had 3 rehearsals and 2 recital nights and Taylor had 2 soccer games this week. She was so good about supporting her brother and sister and being drug around this week. Thanks Madi for being a great fan!!

Spring Soccer!

Taylor really enjoyed soccer this spring. He was more aggressive than in the fall. As you can see from the pictures we are still quite cold in the spring so we needed turtle necks and a couple of days had to wear hats and gloves. The day it was 35 degrees he didn't enjoy too much. April in Wyoming is still Winter:0(.

Dance Recital Week!

Pictures of our Beautiful Emma!!

Emma chose this pose on her own! I think it is a cross between sassy and just plain cute!!