JOY=Faith, Family, and Friends

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Madelyn's Broken Arm

Our sweet Madelyn has lost 4 teeth in the last month and broke her arm. The teeth are expected, the arm not so much! We were on vacaction with family and while having tons of fun with cousins on a trampoline, she was bounced high and came down and landed funny on her arm. Thankfully we have Dr's in the family and she received great care until we could get home and get a hard cast. She is in a full arm cast for 3 weeks and then we will move to a short cast for about 3 as well. She is handling it like a champ and tries her best to write and do all she can in school. Of course it had to be her Right arm that is broke. The saddest part for her was no soccer this season! There is always next year though!!

1 comment:

LeMira said...

Personally, I love the pink, and I think Madelyn is a REAL TROOPER! I didn't hear her complain at all.